What are you willing to fight for?

Eeyore being sad.

Eeyore, the most interesting character in Winnie-the-Pooh-land

Just tonight I read several comments on my friend’s status message that made me get a little ‘up in arms’. The gist was ‘well, there is nothing we can do …’ kinda like the friendly but ever so ridiculous character from Winnie the Pooh named Eeyore. Eeyore was definitely not the hopeless romantic – he was the fly-in-the-soup kinda animal – the “oh, whoa is me” dude.

I give it to my friend that he kept at it by asking the community ‘why should I quit – why should anyone quit?’ And the only response was that of Eeyore – there is no hope.

Where there is no hope, defeat lies at the door.

My friend (and I whole-heartly agree with him) seems to be finding that some things are worth fighting for. Unity … Peace … a Beautiful Young Lady … God’s Truth … Purity … those are worth fighting for.

Even though they kick my butt.

Even though I stink at it.

Even though it ain’t natural.

… I am willing to fight for them.

What are YOU willing to fight for?

One response to “What are you willing to fight for?

  1. I am willing to fight for lots of things! It’s what makes life interesting and worth living.
    God’s Truth (which is the ultimate source of peace),
    My Wife and Daughters,
    Serving my Church,
    Justice, Mercy, Humility,
    Helpless people being harmed by callous people,
    My hospital’s Emergency Department,
    Camp Tomahawk,
    My Career,
    My Mountain and Castle,
    My paid off cars and truck,
    Fighting against immoral businesses wishing to enter my community,
    The freedom to openly show and demonstrate love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control.

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