Tag Archives: cooking

What Nike and Unleavened Bread Have in Common: Just Do It.

Jason Peaking Over A Batch of Beautiful Cottage Cheese Crescents

This beautiful batch of Cottage Cheese Crescents are specifically for my friends who will be observing the Days of Unleavened Bread … with a few for the chef’s tummy too!

I spent last night talking with my sister and preparing and baking lots and lots of ‘Triple C’, a.k.a. Cottage Cheese Crescents – which is an unleavened bread for the upcoming holy day season. One of my friend’s speeches this past weekend was right in saying the only way to become the person you want to be is to actually just do it. If you want to be a writer, write. If you want to learn to throw a frisbee, practice. If you want to be compassionate, find ways to do it. Eyes open. Hand to the plow.

Nike was spot on.

My Mom’s recipe for unleavened bread in the video below is kick-butt good. I have