Tag Archives: Technology

An Announcement is Not a Story

Typewriter with Wedding Rings

Are your communications just announcements or are you building up a relationship through stories? (Credit: Photographer LindseyJoy.net)

There is a such a huge difference between an announcement and a story – but too often people confuse the two. We can be much better communicators, things stick better in our memories and encourage us, if we tell stories rather than just announce things.

Let me give you an example.

A wedding announcement is usually a fun thing to get in the mail. It is usually printed on really nice paper, in a finely crafted envelope usually with colored ribbon or tissue paper, and sometimes even includes the picture of the engaged couple. The announcement will include information of when the wedding is and details about where it will be held. They are beautiful pieces of art that I have saved away the many I have received in my memory box. But for the most part, announcements are informational.

Now contrast the announcement with Continue reading

New Series About Electric Vehicles

It’s interesting how an industry I knew nothing about just a few years ago has now become my industry. And now … I want to help it.

There is a plethora of mis-information in the Electric Vehicle industry – not for the ones that live it day by day – but the managers, reporters, and enthusiasts that aren’t as well connected and plugged in as I have had the opportunity to be. I’m talking about the people that touch it often enough for it to be relevant, but not enough to be considered an expert. In the little part of the world where I romp – I would love change the world. I am that excited about using the knowledge, a good douse of experience and a passion for teaching to spur me on to help this industry to progress from the enthusiasts to the early adopters and over that big … scary … chasm.

Curve showing Innovators, Early Adopters, the chasm, and the mainstream

The 'Acceptance Curve' for any new technology or trend - this one thanks to Tim Barcz talking about Flickr

As part of an exercise in video production, editing, story telling and teaching, I will be using my industry as a way to prepare for bigger projects. I model this exercise after the little experiments and sketches that Leonardo da Vinci would practice with when he was working on a larger project. For many of his works, he would have little ‘problems’ to work out – how to position the person, how to lay the hands, how the cloth would fold on the person – and he would go on tangents trying different approaches, researching, watching other people, etc.

This video series is exactly that – a tangent, albeit a worth while one that has mini-goals in and of itself, part of a preparation for a bigger goal that is still cooking in the ol’ noggin.

New projects are fun … so let’s go!